Don’t Try Coffee Enemas 2023

Another day, another bum story.
Your digestive system is a complicated network of organs that feeds and excretes waste. Science advises against colon cleaning since your body cleanses itself.
Coffee enemas are the latest in a long line of dangerous TikTok fads, despite your body’s capacity to perform most tasks.
However, gastroenterologist Samita Garg, MD, offers healthy methods to help treat occasional constipation.

Coffee enema?
Coffee enemas are inserted into the rectum and filled with fully brewed coffee. This approach is said to raise immunity, vitality, eliminate toxins, heal a variety of illnesses, and reduce chronic constipation, however there is no scientific proof to back these claims.
Dr. Garg warns that this treatment is not advised and may have dangers. “I recommend coffee for some people because data suggests it stimulates a wave of gut contractions, called peristalsis, and helps food move through your intestines.”

Coffee benefits your liver, lowers diabetes risk, and helps you defecate.
Coffee enemas hazards
Why not use coffee on your other end if it offers many health benefits? Your rectum and gut lining are thin and sensitive. Coffee enemas can induce colitis and proctitis, according to research.
Dr. Garg says colitis can cause discomfort, bleeding, and rectal burns if the enema liquid is heated.
Coffee enemas can induce colitis and tenesmus, a disease in which your lower gut nerves overreact and generate muscular spasms, making you want to go to the toilet even when you can’t.
Dr. Garg recommends against enemas if you have any of these symptoms since they may irritate and harm.

Are enemas healthy?
Enemas, together with fiber and over-the-counter laxatives and stool softeners, can relieve constipation if used properly.
Dr. Garg says that enemas can stimulate and unplug the bowels so that stool can migrate from above.
Enemas should not be used for routine colon cleaning.
She advises against frequent colon cleanses using a lot of liquids or laxatives, which can deplete electrolytes and dehydrate you.
“Sometimes, people can’t have bowel movements naturally due to various factors, stressors, medications, and other conditions, so we talk about using dietary therapies, different laxatives, and enemas.”
Enema instructions
Coffee is not recommended for enemas. Use one of these cold or room-temperature liquids:
- Tap water.
- Mineral oil.
- Castile soap soap-suds.
Dr. Garg advises using an enema at home alone or with other dietary regimens and over-the-counter laxatives if you have persistent constipation or rectum pressure.
After filling the enema bag with your preferred liquid, lie flat on your back or side and gently put the nozzle into your anus and up to 3 to 4 inches into your rectum. Squeeze the enema bag until it’s empty, remove the tip, and hold for a minute or two until the enema takes effect and you’re ready to defecate.
Dr. Garg says enemas aren’t ideal. “Sometimes you need another enema. occasionally they function well and produce lots of feces, and occasionally liquid comes out. When inserting anything into the rectum, be gentle.”
Bottom line
If you have constipation, eat extra fiber, drink water, and have a cup of coffee. Leave the enemas to safer liquids.
More significantly, if you have persistent constipation and need enemas and over-the-counter laxatives to have daily bowel motions, consult a doctor.
Dr. Garg advises seeing a doctor or gastroenterologist for rectal bleeding, severe stomach cramps, or gastrointestinal issues.