Safe and Inclusive School Menstrual Health Management 2023


Gender equality and schoolgirl well-being depend on menstrual health management. Menstrual hygiene requires safe and inclusive restrooms. Unfortunately, many schools globally lack proper facilities, causing menstruation children considerable problems.

UNICEF found that just 57.6% of rural schools and 78.5% of urban schools have girls’ restrooms. Many toilets lack water, disposal, and hygiene, making them unsuitable for menstruation.

In this article, we will discuss the importance of safe and inclusive school toilets, menstrual health management, and Mission Swachhta aur Paani.

Safe, Inclusive Toilets

Schoolgirls need clean and safe facilities to handle menstruation hygiene. Unfortunately, many Indian schools lack toilets, especially for girls, making menstruation hygiene difficult. This causes absenteeism, focus issues, and privacy issues.

Menstruating students need safe and inclusive restrooms. Girls can change menstruation products, wash, and manage period hygiene in a clean, private place. These toilets need clean water, handwashing stations, garbage disposal, and menstrual hygiene supplies.

Safe and inclusive school bathrooms remove obstacles to females’ attendance, involvement, and academic success. It improves menstrual health, mental health, and reproductive tract infections.

Providing proper facilities also promotes gender equality and fosters a welcoming atmosphere for all pupils.

Girls’ Education

Schools without menstrual health management facilities might affect females’ education. Girls typically struggle at school without safe and inclusive restrooms.

They may miss school on menstruation days out of humiliation, resulting in repeated absences and academic failure. This promotes educational inequality and restricts females’ personal and professional advancement.

Girls are also at risk of infections and health issues due to poor facilities. Menstruating students’ stress and confidence are affected by insufficient restrooms.

Swachhta aur Paani: Toilet Access:

Mission Swachhta aur Paani, a Harpic India and News18 partnership, improves menstrual hygiene management in schools by providing clean and safe restrooms. The campaign promotes building and updating toilets, especially for females, with water, disposal, and hygiene amenities.

Hygiene education, particularly menstrual health education, is also stressed to raise student awareness and behavior.

Mission Swachhta aur Paani partners with government agencies, NGOs, stakeholders, and others to raise awareness and provide clean, safe bathrooms for all students.

Infrastructure Development: In conjunction with stakeholders, the project helps schools develop and renovate restrooms with sufficient sanitation facilities, including separate boys and girls toilets, handwashing stations, and waste disposal systems. These infrastructural upgrades support menstruation health and cleanliness.

Hygiene Education and Awareness: The campaign supports comprehensive hygiene education programs that dispel myths and taboos around menstruation health and encourage good attitudes about periods. Students learn about menstrual hygiene, handwashing, and clean bathrooms for their health.

Capacity Building and Support: Working with NGOs and changemakers, the project trains teachers and school personnel on menstrual health, cleanliness, and restroom upkeep. Capacity-building helps schools maintain hygienic and safe, inclusive bathroom facilities.

Mission Swachhta aur Paani improves schools and students. The campaign encourages females to attend school, engage fully, and overcome hurdles through encouraging restroom inclusion and menstrual health management.

Safe and inclusive school bathrooms are essential for menstruation hygiene, gender equality, and female education. Harpic India & News18’s Mission Swachhta aur Paani drives toilet inclusiveness and access to clean and safe toilets in schools nationwide.

The program addresses girls’ menstrual hygiene needs to promote gender equality, boost education, and protect young girls’ health and well-being nationwide. The project empowers females via infrastructural development, hygiene education, and capacity building. We can build a society where every girl can succeed.

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